Happy Halloween! What fun to celebrate with young kids. We had a couple different times to wear our costumes- to Kindermusik, to trick or treat to grandparent's and great grandparent's houses, and to trick or treat downtown. Our town does something really fun where most of the businesses in our "downtown" open up for trick or treating. (We have lived here for almost four years now, but I still have to put "downtown" in quotation marks because it's silly that they would even call it downtown. I think everyone should just call it Central, which is the actual name of the street.) It's excellent for little kids because they start at noon, so we don't have to go late at night in the dark, and we don't have to walk far. We can go a couple blocks and get plenty of candy!
Introducing to you Snow White, Ladybug, and Bumblebee! How cute!
Lucy and Ellory weren't a big fan of the hoods on their costumes.
Also, as per usual, I tried to snap a load of pictures and delete later, so these are the best I got after the mass amount. :)
What a blessing to live so close to one set of grandparents and to 3/4 of the great grandparents. (We are so thankful to have seven still living, and five of the seven live really close to us!)
Trick-or-treating at the businesses. It was a beautiful day!
Norah was apparently "too tired to walk" even after being so excited to trick or treat, so she spent most of the time in the stroller.
Meanwhile, Lucy and Ellory walked the entire route! They did amazing! They carried their baskets the whole way and loved putting each piece of candy in them.
Happy Halloween!
Cute outfits!!