So, guess what? I love Full House. Full House was one of the best shows ever. I have all seasons on DVD and will definitely be showing them to my future children. (I'm guessing there aren't many crazy fans out there, but there should be).
So, the gang (Danny, Jesse, and Joey) reunite to sing Jimmy to sleep because he's scared about leaving his show. They manage to throw all their classic lines in a 5 minute clip, as well as sing the Teddy Bear song at the end!
What a winner. Check it out here.
(Also, in case you missed this awhile back, check out Jesse & The Rippers reuniting here.)
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Full House love. :)
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Boundless Generosity.
Boundless Generosity- Congrats!
Our church started a new sermon series last Sunday, and I personally love it! The message on Sunday really spoke to me. Here are the verses it was based on from 1 Timothy 6:17-19:
17 Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.18 Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. 19 In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.
I really liked these verses. Don't be arrogant. Material wealth is uncertain. God is the One who richly provides. Be rich in good deeds. Be willing to share. Treasure up things for a firm foundation. Take hold of the life that is truly life.
It's extremely sad how discontent people are with their lives and possessions. We always want more. The "If I could just have____, then I would be happy," mentality is far to present and consuming in our world, and it NEVER SATISFIES. The second you get whatever your fill in the blank thing is, it is usually just replaced with something else.
Generosity is not thought of very highly or exercised often in today's world, especially in the United States. Here, it's valued to think for yourself, be driven, be first, be successful, to be the "top dog." Most people, myself included, get sucked into the "I deserve this" or "I deserve good things" attitude.
That is so wrong. God never ever promised an easy or abundant life on earth, filled with material possessions. He does promise abundant life IN HIM, but that looks different than what the world thinks abundant means.
There were a lot of statistics in the message, which were very convicting. In the last century, the square footage of homes has doubled while family size has been cut in half. I think he said that if you make $48,000 a year, you are in the top 4% of the entire world. That's a handful to take in. In the United States, $48,000 isn't that much- basically an entry level salary to some. A percentage that's way too high suffer from anorexia, while a percentage that's much higher than that don't have enough food to eat everyday. The poverty line in the US is around $20,000 for a small family. $20,000- that's extreme wealth to the majority of the world!
It's far too easy to allow myself to get sucked into the trap that "I don't have any money right now, so I can be generous later when we make more." But generosity isn't all about money. Generosity should be a lifestyle. If you aren't generous now with your time, efforts, talents, and money, then you probably won't be later either.
I really like the word "boundless" in front of generosity. I think that's what God calls us to be. There's never a time where we are generous enough, but the majority tend do to as little as they can to "get by" on the generosity scale and check it off their list. I want that statement to be more influential in my life- I'm never generous enough. There is ALWAYS something more that I could do. Not that God calls us to extend ourselves out on limbs that are unhealthy and drain ourselves empty, but far too often I settle for generosity that's mediocre or shamefully small.
I want to be more generous. I want to use what money we do have to bless others. For instance, in January our church did an underwear drive for people in the community who don't have underwear. So, we don't have tons of money (we have way more school debt than we do actual money), but that's not an excuse. We can afford to buy a few packs of underwear, so I did. I want to do a better job of taking advantage of practical opportunities like that.
I want to do a better job of being generous with my time, efforts, talents, and home. I want to use my free time in ways that serve. I want to open our apartment for people to come, be encouraged, and know Him more deeply when they leave. Not only do I want to do these things, I want to have a servant's heart and a good attitude while I do them.
I want to be more generous. Boundlessly generous.
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Articles floating around.
So, I've seen these three articles floating around recently, mostly through people sharing them on Facebook, so I thought I would share them too. Each provides a great reminder for marriages.
Marriage Isn't For You- Marriage isn't about you or making you happy, it's about serving your spouse and making them happy.
I'm Dating Someone Even Though I'm Married- Just because you're married, doesn't mean you should stop dating (your spouse, to clarify what should be obvious).
Why I'm Getting A Divorce in 2014- Don't let your phone become a priority over other more important things.
(Another thing to clarify- This first article was written by a Mormon. While I am not a Mormon, the idea of his article is very thought-provoking and a good reminder that marriage isn't about me.)
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Top things from the week/weekend.
January is probably my least favorite month of the year, probably because Christmas is over, it's still freezing, spring is still a ways off, and we can't go outside at school for a long long time. Also, Kley is on break for most of January, which he deserves and is great, but also tough to be so out of schedule and routine. While Kley is on break, I have been working my butt off getting ready for conferences. Not very fun.
But, I want to focus on the good things. Here are some great things that happened this week:
1. I am now ready for conferences. Yay! I have a week left to prepare what to say/go over final touches, but the big stuff is done and I am ready. It feels so good to get that done. It's a ton of work!
2. Kley went back to school this week. It's nice to be in routine again.
3. I don't know if I ever mentioned this or not, but we went to Mayo a few weeks back for Kley's stomach issues (kind of talked about here). Basically, the doctor said it was an easy case and she doubled his medication and he has been feeling much better the last few weeks.
4. After that visit, we figured out that his old medication wasn't covered (at all) under his new insurance policy that started January 1. Bummer. But, we got it figured out and we found an alternative that's supposed to do the exact same thing, and it's cheaper!
5. We had lower numbers at school last week, so it was nice to have a few easier days.
6. This is old news, but two weeks ago we had a "cold day" because it's been so freezing (polar vortex!).
7. Thursday felt like -27 outside. Unreal. Yesterday afternoon we were FINALLY able to go outside again at school and it felt like 24. 24 felt amazing after -27. Fresh air is wonderful.
8. My brother came home from his J-term trip to Spain. He also shaved his beard and cut his hair, so he's looking pretty fine.
9. We went to my parents house last night. Two out of my three siblings were there. I love my family.
10. My mom made lemon bars. Delicious.
11. My mom has been volunteering in my classroom on Wednesday mornings. It's awesome.
12. Yesterday my classroom at school got an ipad! I am so pumped.
13. It felt so great to sleep in this morning.
14. It's so nice to have free time to blog on Saturday mornings.
15. We have been watching New Girl and think it's so funny.
16. Kley and I are going on a date today. :)
Happy weekend!
Winter/arctic animal craft ideas.
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Des Moines rocks.
Today Show- Des Moines
I don't have much exciting news to share. I've been spending pretty much all of my time getting ready for conferences that are coming up in a week. can watch this sweet clip from the Today Show about how great Des Moines, Iowa is!
Happy Thursday. :)
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Ice skating night on the town.
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Candace Cameron on Submission.
Candace Cameron Bure is my favorite. She played DJ on Full House, she's a Christian, and she's sister to Kirk Cameron.
She spoke recently about being submissive to her husband. That takes boldness and strength to speak on, especially as an actress, because submission is very misunderstood and many people attack you if you bring it up.
Submission as a wife is tough for many to understand, even by Christians. I don't claim to know all the answers, but I do believe that God's plan in creating marriage, with husbands loving their wives as Christ loves the Church, and wives being submissive to their husbands, was and is a beautifully redemptive plan.
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Art is more simple than you think.
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
TV Shows.
Starting back in college, Kley and I have always liked to watch TV shows together, and we still do to this day. It's just so nice to relax before bed and watch a fun show together. TV shows are way better than movies because they are shorter, and it's much easier for us to agree on a show than a movie.
So, here are the shows we have watched. We have watched all of these in entirety, or are caught up to real time.
Search This Blog
- Full House love. :)
- Boundless Generosity.
- Articles floating around.
- Top things from the week/weekend.
- Winter/arctic animal craft ideas.
- Des Moines rocks.
- Ice skating night on the town.
- Candace Cameron on Submission.
- Art is more simple than you think.
- TV Shows.
- Bubbles in the Winter.
- Preschool Weekly Themes.
- Goodbye 2013, Hello 2014!