Since all three girls are in school for at least a portion of each week, Christmas break felt extra special this year to have a true break and extra time together! It was a nice mix of seeing both families for a bit and being home too. The girls asked several times to go ice skating, so it was fun to make it happen!
Ellory recently got "big girl" glasses and she looks so sweet and grown up!
Norah is a pretty good skater!
We also went to the indoor pool one day too. So fun to get to do a few activities we don't usually get to in typical weeks. And fun that Kley could join too! He was home for the Thursday and Friday of Christmas week because the office was closed, and I honestly can't remember a time where that happened! Usually he's always working or we are not at home if he takes time off, so to be at home together for two weekdays with him was such a treat!
Our family does Thanksgiving with one side and then Christmas with the other, and then flips the following year (and fits in celebrating that holiday with the other side at a different time usually). Like this year we were in Des Moines (with my family) for Thanksgiving, and we were home (with Kley's family- we live in the same town as my in-laws) for Christmas.
My BIL was working Christmas, but thankful we were still able to get together with everyone who was able on Christmas Eve and Christmas day. Our official De Jong Christmas was later in the week.
Christmas morning with our girls! I was never home on Christmas day growing up, and every other year we aren't now either, so it's different yet also special, to spend Christmas morning just the five of us.
Decorating gingerbread houses- the girls love this and glad we were able to get it in with the De Jongs on Christmas day!
The girls love their sweet baby cousin Gerrit! They all are so good with him, but Ellory really loves to be around him. She has said several times that she wants to marry him. :)
Hard at work on the houses.
The finished products.
Christmas is such a joyous season. So thankful for God sending his Son!