Tuesday, June 27, 2023
Thursday, June 22, 2023
Tuesday, June 20, 2023
Norah's piano recital 2023.
Norah had her end of year piano recital and she did great! She was definitely nervous before, but aren't recitals just ripe for life lesson learning? I took piano lessons for ten years growing up, and I hated each and every recital, but they were good for me. That nervous, pit in your stomach feeling will definitely come to you at some, if not many, points in your life, and learning how to manage that feeling and push through and do the hard thing is a really valuable lesson! It's also a good lesson to remember that bravery doesn't mean you don't feel scared- they often go hand in hand!
Norah, we are proud of you for diligently practicing and doing your very best tonight through the fear. Hearing you play piano is beautiful and we will always be there cheering you on!
Sunday, June 18, 2023
Thursday, June 15, 2023
Memorial Day weekend in Minneapolis 2023.
We had the best kickoff to summer! We spent Memorial Day weekend in Minneapolis visiting the Schornacks (my sister). We packed many fun things into a weekend and we were thankful to be together, enjoying the nice weather and celebrating the beginning of summer!
Thursday, June 8, 2023
Tulip Festival 2023- Street Scrubbing.
On Saturday, we scrubbed streets in the afternoon parade. It's always special to dress up and take pictures each year! Thankful we had good weather and made some fun family memories. Happy Tulip Festival!
9:49 PM celebrations, Ellory, family, fun things we did, husband, kids, Lucy, Norah, weekend Leave a Comment
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- Summer T-ball and softball 2023.
- Summer Celebration 2023.
- Norah's piano recital 2023.
- First time at the pool 2023.
- Memorial Day weekend in Minneapolis 2023.
- Tulip Festival 2023- Street Scrubbing.
- Tulip Festival 2023- Parades, Dutch dancing, and m...
- Big news- we are moving!
- Tulip Festival 2023- Ride Night.