Monday, November 5, 2018

Family birthday celebrations 2018 (for Norah and Kley)- Schut side.

The entire crew (meaning both sides) wasn't able to find a weekend to work for everyone this year, but it worked out nicely because we got to split weekends, which meant more quality time with both sides I think. Love it! All of my side came one weekend and Kley's the next, so it was also fun to extend the celebrations for Kley and Norah's birthdays even longer!

Some cousin time with Jorie. Ellory really loves babies and it's so sweet to watch her with Jorie. She's so gentle and loves to be by her!

Norah had a princess theme this year, which was so fun. This castle balloon was much larger than I thought it would be, which made it even more fun!

Norah is in love with her new bike! (She had a 12 inch bike before, but my parents got her a 16 inch. She's very tall for her age, so it fits her well. She's used it a lot already!)

Lucy is so determined when she puts her mind to something. We went for a walk around the block (which isn't that far but for her tiny legs and muscles it is), and she pulled the wagon the entire time and wouldn't let anyone help her (empty, not with Ellory in it). She really wanted to pull Ellory in it, but it was too heavy. She gave it all her might though!

Testing her new wheels.

Three girls in a wagon. :)

Jorie's hat was one of Lucy and Ellory's from last year. It's so much fun to give her our doubles of things and see her wear them. Such great memories and great for them to get more use out of them!

Norah's cake!

Love this picture mid blow.

I always wanted to be a mom growing up. I'm so very thankful for that blessing.

So glad our girls have the best aunts and uncles!

Opening presents! My mom attached balloons to the bags to make it even more fun. Those combined with the balloons I had already gotten made for a house full (we now have 10), but it's great!

Norah wanted to be Snow White for Halloween, so she was excited to open this.

We went to my grandparents house for lunch on Sunday when my family was here, and my grandma had brought this easel up from the basement. I used to color on that when I was little!

Lucy and Ellory watching all the action. Love their three matching dresses too!

Having Aunt Kayla go to college in the same town as us is the best!

Watching our parents be grandparents is so fun. Being a parent definitely makes you appreciate even more all the things they did for you growing up. Thankful Kley and I both grew up with amazing models!

It's also great to live close to my grandparents. I've been thanking God a lot lately for the legacy of faith in our family. All of our grandparents are a huge part of that. 

The best grandparent/granddaughter picture we could get. Norah is wearing Kley's hat and wielding a massive stick.


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