We have the Ergo carrier (Ergobaby Performance Collection Baby Carrier in Charcoal Black), and I really like it! It's pricier than some, but it's easy to use, and mostly comfortable. The only discomfort I would complain about is that sometimes the straps rub against your neck, if you don't have something over it (like the collar of your shirt/scarf/sweatshirt hood). If I am wearing something lighter, like a t-shirt or something, sometimes I just wear a very light scarf to have some fabric between the straps and my neck. I wish I could have tried more carriers to have more to compare it to, but I like the Ergo overall. I was also gifted a Moby wrap, and granted I didn't try it for very long, but I personally thought it was very long and hard to get on. The Ergo is easy to put on, even by yourself. There is one strap that goes around your waist that buckles, and then the straps go around your arms like a backpack with a small buckle in the back. I haven't used it a ton (just around the house), as Norah usually has family around to hold her, which is so great, and I usually just leave her in her car seat/stroller when we go out. I can imagine that I would use this a lot more once we have another kid!
Verdict: Yes for the Ergo, no for the Moby.
Update: I sold our Performance and updated to the Ergo 360, and I am happy we did. If you are going to buy an Ergo, definitely get the newer version. The 360 can be worn front facing, while the older versions can't. As Norah got older, she definitely preferred front facing, so I am glad we switched. I still use it sometimes for when she wants to be held and I need both arms! I am glad we made the switch and I know I will use it a lot for our next babies.
I also bought the Ergobaby Infant Insert, and ended up returning it because Norah never really needed it. It's for 7-12 pounds, and since Norah was almost 9 when she was born, she never really needed it. She fit into it nicely without needing the insert.
Verdict: No, unless you have a really tiny baby.
I also heard really good reviews about the Solly Baby Wrap, but I have never had one or tried it.
You can read my other editions here.
We LOVE our ergo. I think Foster was in it every single day for the first 2 months of his life. And we just flew to CA and used it in the airport and on the plane. We have a moby too, but now that he's getting bigger the ergo is my go-to carrier. We used it with Emerson until he was 15 months. You definitely get your money's worth!