Monday, July 22, 2019

Norah's blastball.

Norah was old enough to do a few summer rec programs in our town this summer, and it was a lot of fun! She did blastball (pictured below), which is like introductory t-ball, and sports central, where they taught them the basics of a different sport each week. Overall Norah did pretty well! It stretched her a bit, which was good. She was more shy at blastball because she didn't know anyone on her team, so she wanted Kley to help her each week, which was kind of cute. (Blastball was in the evenings, so Kley could come too!) Doing these things was a neat way to have her experience new things and learn group concepts and good sportsmanship. There were a few friends from her preschool class who did sports central too, so that made her a bit more comfortable.

Way to go, Norah! The first night, Kley even had to help her hold the bat and basically do it for her because she was too scared, but by the last times she hit by herself and even ran around the bases a few times herself. She was even more aggressive going for balls in the field on the last night!

She was so excited she got the ball this time!

Norah, we'll always be your biggest fans!


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