Sunday, February 22, 2015

House Tour- Office.

Welcome to our office! 

(Here you can see the rest of the rooms.)

At first we didn't really know what to do with this room, but it has turned out so nice to have. It's painted the same color as our master bedroom (booth bay gray- though it looks like it has a blue tint). We got all the furniture in here from my in-laws, because they just moved/downsized, which worked our amazing for us! The desk is perfect for this room and for Kley's computer/books. The couch we were originally going to put in the living room, but then we were able to buy the sectional by selling items that the previous owner left, so it worked out perfect in here. We almost weren't able to get it through the doorway, but thankfully we did.

This is my "travel wall," composed of pictures I took on different trips. I love hanging personalized art.

The pictures on the left are from our honeymoon and where Kley proposed to me. :)

Law books!

Here is what it looked like DURING the moving process:

Here is what it looked like BEFORE (I am so glad we took out that old built in): 


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