Friday, April 29, 2016

Weekend in Des Moines.

We spent the weekend in Des Moines and it was so fun! It was my sister-in-law's birthday on Thursday, and Norah and I rode down with my sister and we got to have a family dinner to celebrate. We had some family time outside playing basketball and going for a walk!

Norah loved getting the ball.

Dunking with Uncle Keaton!

Norah walking Daisy. Is that not the cutest?

More Uncle Keaton fun.


Friday was my youngest sister Kayla's prom and we got to watch her get ready.

Make-up time.

While Kayla was taking pictures with her class, we got to visit my good friends Lauren and Stephen, and their daughter Reese. They recently moved back to Des Moines and we are so excited because we can see them more!

Aunt Kayla looked stunning!

So glad we got to be there to celebrate!

Friday night Kley came after work, and we got to hang out as a family on Saturday going for walks and hitting the mall! It was a gorgeous day!

Norah loves the swings.

Weekends with family are the best!


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