Monday, February 25, 2013

Weekend of movies.

So starting last Thursday and going through Friday (February 21-22), there was supposed to be this huge blizzard. Everyone was talking about it. Go to the grocery store. 9+ inches of snow. Blowing winds with little visibility. 

We got an early out on Thursday, which was nice, even though we would have been fine with still having school. The snow was supposed to start around lunch and snow two inches per hour.

So I planned for a snow day Friday, and I was so excited! I did all my Friday jobs at school, so I was ready to not come back until Monday. I went out and rented three movies (which we never do), thinking we would be completely snowed in.

Did any of that happen? Nope. We got a few inches of snow, but everything was fine.

But we ended up watching all three movies over the weekend anyway (which we never to either). It was really fun, and of course I wanted to watch them since we paid to rent them! 

Thursday night we watched The Words. It's about this struggling writer trying to make it, and he finds this amazing story inside of an old briefcase he bought at an antique store on his honeymoon in Paris. He ends up publishing it, and it's about the after effects of publishing someone else's work. 

Honestly, I thought it stunk. The ending made no sense and it was like it ended too early. If it's on your "to watch" list, I recommend taking it off. (Kley said he liked it though, so maybe talk to him.)

Friday night we ordered Olive Garden take out and watched Won't Back Down. (Take out is kind of our new thing, so we still get yummy food but don't have to wait for a long time for a table!). I was so excited to watch this, being a teacher, and had been waiting for months.  It's about this mom and teacher that end up pairing together to help overtake this bad school in New York and make it better, running it their way. 

It was really good, and I'm so glad I watched it, but it does make me want to research more about the logistics of what happened and learn more about teachers unions. I learned some in college, but not enough details.

Sunday night we watched People Like Us. I had been wanting to see it, but it wasn't on the top of my list. It's about this guy who looses his father (they weren't close), and his dad leaves him $150,000 to give to his half sister that he never knew he had, and it's about him getting to know her and her son.

It was amazing. I loved it! This was my least favorite of the three picks going in, but after watching all three, this was my favorite! I would definitely recommend it. A lot. (Although it is PG-13, so not for young kids.)


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