Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Hebrews 10:24- And let us consider how we can spur one another on towards love and good deeds.

Yesterday/this morning was discouraging and exhausting. My kids struggled at school and we had to have many talks about misbehaviors. It's hard to be patient at times, when we have the same conversation over and over and they continue to disobey.

But that's what I've done to God before, and yet He is patient, loving, and forgiving with me. So, I will continue to learn and pray that I will be that kind of patient, loving, and forgiving teacher to my kids.

Today I was the recipient of people "spuring me on." I received two wonderfully uplifting comments today- one from my director, and the other from the school's superintendent. Two AMAZING people to receive compliments from!

Thank you, God, for blessing me today with encouraging words.


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