Thursday, July 22, 2021

Norah- T-ball 2021.

It was so fun to watch Norah play T-ball this year! She has grown a lot since last year both in ability and maturity. She had a great attitude and tried hard. She's a good hitter and a pretty fast runner! Way to go, Norah! Proud of you for giving it your all and learning and growing! Go Cardinals!

Aren't Lucy and Ellory so sweet watching her on the bench?

Beautiful nights on the field!

What a great dad Kley is in helping coach!

The rest of these pictures are from the last night. Thankful for a great season! It's the best to watch your kids enjoy their activities. :)

Love the little smile she gave me from first base.

Go Cardinals!

They got a medal and watermelon as a congratulatory treat.

Love our T-ball player!


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