Norah's theme for her birthday was fruit, and I turned that into a Fruit of the Spirit theme for her friend party. (For Lucy and Ellory's 2nd birthday we did a "love you times a melon" party with a watermelon theme, and ever since then Norah said she wanted ALL the fruits for her birthday, not just watermelon. I think that's adorable.)
My most favorite birthday tradition is making a birthday board of favorite photos from the last year. So much fun to look at!
A fruit pizza for dessert! As I suspected, Norah didn't actually eat any of it, but she went along with making it because it went with the theme. Norah is picky about her desserts- last year I tried to make a cookie cake because she didn't like regular cake the year before and she didn't eat that either. Oh well. Maybe next year I'll just give her oreos and m+m's. That's her true love right there. But the fruit pizza looked cute, right?
Loved the fruit decor! I bought a kit off amazon, and also had several fun posters from my past teaching days.
Thanks to Target for putting their summer plates on clearance at the perfect time.
Look at that sweet face!
We invited all the girls in Norah's preschool and Sunday school class plus a few neighborhood friends. It was a crazy time but very fun!
We had supper (Norah's choice of mac and cheese, beans, and cheddar chips, a real tipper on the health scale there), introduced the Fruits of the Spirit and read a book about it, did a fruit craft, and Kley was very entertaining on the guitar! What a guy!
Happy happy birthday Norah! It was so fun to celebrate you and watch you have fun with your friends!
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