and Ellory are ONE! What a crazy, beautiful year it has been. It has
been so fun to look back at all the pictures over the last year.
Overall, it was a great year. We are glad the first few months are
over, as we thought those were the most difficult, but despite going
from one kid to three, it's been mostly good! When people ask me if
it's hard now, I say I wouldn't say that it's hard, just very busy.
We all feel good getting good sleep and being on a schedule/routine.
We are also thankful for almost always happy babies! They are so much
fun and so adorably sweet.
Stats/Doctor visits: Lucy
was healthy this month, but Ellory was sick twice, but thankfully
both were just 24 hours. The first time, she just had a fever and we
checked for influenza because she had been exposed, but thankfully it
was negative. The second time, she got the stomach flu and she threw
up four times with a slight fever, but it was amazing that no one
else got it. It took her a few days to get her appetite back, but
that was it. At their twelve month check up, Lucy was 30” (79%),
head circumference 18.25” (85%), and was 18 lbs 13 oz (34%). Ellory
was also 30” (79%), head circumference 18” (72%), and was 20 lbs
(54%). Their weights were only about one pound apart, where it had
been two for awhile. They are growing well too, as their percentages
are getting higher on the charts.
Teeth: Lucy
got her bottom right lateral incisor, her 8th
tooth, on 2/15 (51) weeks.
Feeding: They
are eating a lot more solids now! It's been fun to watch- great that
they can feed themselves and sit in their high chairs while we eat,
but it's a big mess to clean up afterwards. They are still nursing 4
times a day (well, one of those was a pumping/bottle session to give
them a little extra), and had an extra few ounces after their bedtime
nursing session, but began to wean that off at the end of the month
by quitting pumping and substituting whole milk instead of my milk. I
am thankful that nursing went so well and that I was able to make it
a full year, and I can tell that it's time to start weaning because
I'm not making as much as I used to, and they get grumpy at the end
like they want more. It's about 50/50 purees and solids and they get
some of both about lunch and supper. We also are mixing a little
whole milk in the purees instead of formula, and it's gone well so
far. They have been practicing with sippy cups for awhile now, first
with water and now with milk too, and they are getting
better/understanding to tip it up. They have eaten puffs, yogurt
melts, bread, cheese, lunch meat, noodles, and lots of soft fruits
and cooked veggies. They still gag some on meat sometimes, as it's
harder to chew. We call Lucy the garbage disposal, as she will eat
anything and everything. She definitely eats more solids than Ellory
and is not selective at all. Ellory loves her milk, and drinks more
than Lucy, and is more selective with her foods. She loves her
grains, and will pick out the noodles/puffs/bread over the other
Diapers/Clothes: Wearing
size 3 diapers and 12 month and 12-18 month clothes.
Sleeping: They
are both good sleepers- hallelujah! So glad for that. We are still a
night owl family and all go to bed late, so they are in bed about
10:30, nurse at 8, and sleep again until about 10. (That will only
last for a few more months until we have to transition into more of a
school schedule lifestyle when Norah goes to preschool in the fall,
but hopefully that transition will fall perfectly into when they
switch to one nap). Sometimes they are up a bit earlier if we have a
morning activity and they handle it fine, and occasionally they sleep
a bit later if we don't have anything. They take a nap from about
1:30-4 and again from 7-8. Their evening nap used to be 30 minutes,
but they've been sleeping longer since crawling and now it's an hour.
Words: There
is a lot of baby talk going on, but not too many words. Ellory says
mama and dada pretty consistently. I hear a lot of M, B, and D sounds
with the occasional P. We have done a little sign language, but
haven't focused on it as much as we did with Norah. They haven't done
any back, but we have regularly been doing thank you, eat, bath,
more, up, and all done.
Developments: On
2/21, right before their first birthday, Lucy took her first steps!
Her record was four. Lucy is more active than Ellory, so we weren't
surprised she was first. Lucy loves to get into everything, dump out
all toys, and climb on whatever she can find. When she climbs on
something, she just laughs and smiles like she is so proud of
herself. Lucy also quit drooling right before their birthday and
doesn't need to wear bibs anymore. Both girls love to give kisses and
high fives, and sometimes do “so big.” Ellory shakes her head a
lot, especially to music. I was also thinking about their
personalities this month and remember saying that Lucy cried to be
held more, but I think that has calmed down now since she started
moving more. She is so happy crawling and climbing, which also makes
her require a bit more attention! Lucy can climb up all the stairs,
but Ellory can do a couple and then gets scared. Ellory is generally
always happy too, but her anger is a little more intense when she's
upset. They've already had a few sister fights where they get mad
when the other one takes their toy, but they's also had the cutest
times where they laugh and play together.
Favorites: Lucy
is a daddy's girl and gets so excited and crawls to him when he comes
home. Ellory loves to dance when music comes on. Ellory loves milk
and Lucy loves solids. Lucy loves to climb and move around. Lucy
loves to dump out buckets and Ellory is a bit more careful/particular
with toys. Ellory loves dolls. Both of them love to dig into the
fridge or dishwasher when it's open, play in Norah's room when she
leaves the door open, and get into my tampon boxes in my bathroom
when it's open and dump them all out (funny the things they think are
amazing!). Ellory is more chatty at home, but definitely more
shy/hesitant in public or new situations.
first birthday, Lucy and Ellory! Being your parents is the greatest
blessing. We've all learned and grown a lot this year, but overall
it's been so good! We are thankful for your sweet personalities and
that you are ours. Twins are great!
So fun to read!! What a year!