and Ellory are ten months and on the move! They are generally happy
babies. They love to play and be where the action is, meaning they
follow me around and pull on my pant legs often! But it's good and I
wouldn't trade it. Sometimes they play with their toys very contently
and it's so sweet to watch. Ellory is more chatty, but Lucy is
generally louder. Lucy is more active, but both love to crawl and
pull themselves up. Lucy is a cuddler and laughs easily, and Ellory
almost always is smiling. When Ellory is upset, it's intense but it's
rare, and Lucy wears her emotions on her sleeve more.
Teeth: Lucy
got her 7th
tooth, her bottom left lateral incisor, on 12/7 at 41 weeks.
Feeding: We've
got some good eaters! They almost always eat all their baby food.
Ellory has an easier gag reflex. Lucy sometimes doesn't finish all of
her nighttime bottle, but most of the time she does pretty well.
Ellory is still very serious about her milk and drains it! Their
eating schedule is the same as it has been for awhile now: nurse at
8, baby food at 11, nurse at 1:45, bottle at 5:30, baby food at 8,
nurse/bottle at 10:30. (They have a couple bottles for extra
supplementation, of my milk mixed with formula, to help them continue
to gain weight and I don't make as much in the evenings.) They've had
most fruits and vegetables. They also tried peanut butter and eggs
(per doctors recommendation), and thankfully they aren't allergic.
The biggest food happening is that they love puffs and can eat them
now without gagging! It's nice to be able to distract them for a few
minutes while I'm cooking or getting their food ready.
Diapers/Clothes: Size
3 diapers and 9 month (with some 6-9 or 6-12 month) clothes. A few
times I've thought the 9 month onesies/pajamas were getting tight, so
12 month clothes are coming!
Sleeping: Sleep
is a beautiful thing! We are very thankful for good sleepers.
Sometimes they cry for a couple minutes when we lay them down, but
most times they fall asleep pretty easily and sleep all night. They
are asleep about 10:45, then I nurse them at 8 (sometimes they are
just waking up, and sometimes I just do a dream feed of sorts because
I'm so full), and then they go back to sleep until about 10. They
take a great afternoon nap from about 2-4:30, and a evening catnap
from 7:15-7:45. Occasionally they will take a short morning catnap if
we have to wake up early for something.
Developments: They
are getting more and more active! They crawl all over and pull
themselves up on everything. We haven't had too many crazy things
happen, because we try really hard to keep small things off the
floor/bathroom doors closed, etc. But they are starting to learn how
to open drawers and cupboards, so they always need a close eye on
them. If left to their own devices, their favorite things to do are
to pull the nightlights out of the wall, dig the trash out of the
bathroom small garbage cans, and pull stuff out of the dishwasher or
fridge if they can sneak to it while it's open. Eating puffs is a
favorite new development, both by them and mom/dad! Other new
developments are that right at 9 months, Lucy started sucking her
thumb and drooling a bunch. She always has a bib on and goes through
a couple a day! All three girls suck their right thumb. On 12/16 at
42 weeks, Lucy also stood all by herself for a few seconds and has
done it several other times, and took a few steps while holding on to
our fingers! Ellory
says “ma ma” often, but don't know if it counts as an official
word or just sounds, and she also likes to hold onto blankets/soft
Favorites: Favorite
activities include puffs, taking a bath, going for walks, playing
with Norah, dumping all the toys out, putting everything in their
mouth, being held, and sucking their thumbs. They don't really enjoy
taking their vitamins, getting dressed, or diaper changes. We love
you so much! Lucy and Ellory are such joyous babies!
So fun to read this! Yay for eating puffs and getting time to do stuff!! 🙌🏻