and Ellory are 11 months! It's so fun to watch them grow and develop.
Hearing mama and dada, seeing them stand and move all around, and
laugh/smile are such precious moments! So thankful for these great
Stats/Doctor visits:
Ellory and Lucy both had colds
for awhile, but Ellory seemed much worse. After two nights of not
sleeping well and a raspy sounding cough, she went to the doctor on
1/16 and had an ear infection and RSV. Poor baby! She was on
antibiotics and nebulizer treatments. The doctor said we could give
the nebulizer treatments to Lucy too, depending on how she sounds,
and we did some and I think it helped, because she never got as bad
as Ellory thankfully. She had a slight fever, was more lethargic,
diarrhea, and lack of appetite, but was in good spirits mostly! She
weighed 19 lbs 6 oz. Lucy went to the doctor on 1/23 with a slight
fever, lack of appetite, diarrhea, not sleeping well/pulling on her
right ear, but they said everything checked out okay- no ear
infection or influenza. They said the probably had RSV since Ellory
did, but her lungs and breathing sounded okay. She weighed 16 lbs 13
Teeth: Ellory
got her 7th tooth, her bottom right lateral incisor, on 1/8 (45
weeks). She also got her 8th
tooth, her bottom left lateral incisor, on 1/16 (46 weeks).
Feeding: Both
girls are good eaters! Both didn't care for food for a few days when
they were sick, but overall they are both doing great! They are still
eating purees for the majority of their real food content, but also
eat soft pieces of things like bananas, pears, cantaloupe, bread,
muffins, cooked carrots, avocado, and noodles. They are still huge
fans of puffs! They also started practicing with sippy cups of water
at 45 weeks. They don't really get the tipping it up part yet, but
they have fun trying. They still nurse 4 times a day (well, one of
those is a 7 oz. bottle), and still have another 4 oz. bottle after
the nighttime nursing session before bed. They have baby food twice a
day, along with a few “snacks” of soft things when we eat too.
Diapers/clothes: Wearing
size 3 diapers and switched to 12 month/12-18 month clothes on 1/11
at 46 weeks. Fun to have a new wardrobe!
Sleeping: Sleeping
habits have been about the same as past months- yay for good
sleepers! They sleep all night (but sometimes have a hard time
falling asleep or wake up when feeling sick) from about 10:45, then
nurse in the morning and go back to sleep until about 10. They take a
good afternoon nap from about 1:45-4:15 and an evening shorter nap
from about 7-8. Some mornings they've been sleeping until 10:30 and
the evening nap has been longer than it used to be, but I think
that's because they've been under the weather for most of the month.
Words: Ellory
says mama and dada a lot (dada the most), and says them pretty
consistently. She also says baba a lot. Lucy has said mama and dada a
few times, and likes to say gaga and baba too.
Developments: Lucy
had her first hair cut on 1/7 (45 weeks). She had some wispy pieces
and it was longer on the sides than in the back, so Amma (grandma),
just trimmed it a bit. Both girls are active movers now and love to
crawl around and pull themselves up on things and walk along them for
a few steps. Both can stand for a couple seconds by themselves, but
Lucy does it more often. Lucy loves to wrestle (as much as a baby
can). It's fun to watch their fine motor skills develop and watch
them reach for certain things and try to do a specific action. Both
girls now realize when something gets taken from them or they can't
do something they want. Lucy likes to throw her head back when she's
mad. Both girls will crawl over to you and reach their hands up when
they want to be picked up and it's the sweetest. They are starting to
sit somewhat still and pay attention to a couple books. Ellory shakes
when she gets excited and Lucy bounces up and down on her knees.
Favorites: Both
girls enjoy taking baths and going for walks (when it's not
completely freezing out!). They love exploring and playing with
anything and everything. Lucy is a daddy's girl and gets so excited
when he comes home. Lucy loves to climb on top of the dishwasher when
it's open and pull stuff out. Ellory loves to sneak in Norah's room
when the door gets left open to play with her dollhouse. Ellory loves
soft things, like those little taggy blankets. Both girls love their
big sister Norah, and she has the greatest ability to make them laugh
(especially Lucy). We love you so much, Lucy and Ellory! You bring
us lots and lots of joy!
This was so much fun to read!! I can't believe how big they are!! I have missed seeing you all and watching some of these milestones! 😢 Hopefully soon!!
ReplyDeleteI can’t velieve how big they are either! We miss you too!