We are so excited to share with you that our twins have arrived and we have two beautiful GIRLS! We did not find out genders before, and we were guessing one of each, so we were surprised and very happy to have two more daughters.
We had a planned c-section for March 6 at 37 weeks, because Baby B had velamentous cord insertion (where the cord is attached to the membrane instead of placenta and there is a big risk of rupturing during labor), and Baby A ended up being breech also, but they wanted out early and my water broke at 35 weeks 3 days.
We are proud and blessed to introduce you to our newest additions:
Lucy Jo, born February 23, 2017 at 9:09pm, at 18 inches long and weighing 5 pounds 7 ounces
Ellory Joy, born February 23, 2017 at 9:11pm, at 18.5 inches long and weighing 5 pounds 10 ounces.
Ellory- Daddy got to cut her cord!
First photo with mom and dad!
Our (newest) two beautiful daughters!
Welcome to the world, little loves. You are precious and beautiful and a tremendous blessing. You are so very loved already!
So sweet! Congrats!