Kley's favorite restaurant is Fogo de Chao, and we were able to go with the De Jong's while in Minneapolis! It's a Brazilian steakhouse and it's basically meat lover's paradise, which is why Kley loves it so much. We got a great family picture too! Norah started out rough and did not want to sit down, but then turned a corner and did beautifully. Have to praise the little toddler moments!
We love Brett and Elizabeth!
After dinner we headed to Toruk by Cirque du Soleil. It was pretty good! The graphics and special effects were amazing, but the story line was hard to follow, I thought.
We also got to go to Como Zoo with our Bethel friends, David and Jacquie. I loved going there when we went to Bethel, and it was neat to take Norah there! She loves animals, and it's just so fun to watch your kids have fun.
Norah and Daddy looking at the fish!
This monkey had the funniest mustache.
Norah loved the gorillas. They were moving around a lot, so it was fun to see.
Checking out a big turtle Norah spotted.
It's hard to get an actual smiling picture of Norah these days, but she loved sitting on this giraffe! (It's not real, if that's not obvious.)
Love our little (but growing) family!
We got to meet up with Karlie, Zack, Keaton, and Rose (two of my siblings and their spouses), at the Mall of America. It was really fun! We commented that it was the first time truly going out together as real adults without parents- ha! We missed you though, Kayla (my other sister)!
Kley absolutely loved Legos when he was younger, so he was very excited to take Norah to Legoland. She loved having all these legos at her fingertips! Here she is grabbing some with Aunt Karlie.
Building with Daddy!
We also explored the princess tower at the Disney store.
And found Minnie!
We ended the night with dinner at Rainforest Cafe and some ice cream. It was a wonderful trip and such a joy to see so much of both families! I'm always thankful for family, but it touches me in a deeper way the older I get. I'm so thankful for wonderful parents on both sides and siblings who are truly my best friends.
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