Norah's birthday has come and gone, and it was so much fun to plan and
celebrate our favorite girl! We had such a great time with friends and family.
It was purely joyful, and that’s what Norah is! Norah is 13 months, and I know
I say this every month, but she is sure growing up!
Stats: Norah had her 12-month check-up, and had
to get 4 shots and a finger prick and was definitely not happy about it! She
handled it really well though and wasn’t upset for long. She was 31” (95%), 22
lbs. 15 oz. (87%), and 18.25” head circumference (84%). We are so thankful for
a healthy girl developing well!
Schedule/Eating: This month I started weaning off
breastfeeding. I was sad about it at first, but it is what’s best for both of
us. I can tell that I am not making as much, and Norah has been completely
fine. She loves whole milk and drinking from a sippy cup! I am down to just
nursing once before bed, but sometimes Norah will even stop nursing and point
to the cup, so she is ready to be done I think. I am so glad that breastfeeding
went well for us and that we were able to do it for a whole year!
Norah schedule is the same as it has been for a few months. She
eats 3 meals a day with a few snacks. She is a pretty good eater. She used to
just inhale food, and now needs a little more coaxing/distractions to eat
sometimes, but still eats most anything. She still takes two naps. She sleeps
from about 10:30-9 and naps at 12 and 5. She will occasionally wake up early
from her naps, and we have begun to wonder if she is starting to get ready for
one nap, but we aren’t in any rush and will keep the two for as long as we can.
Developments: Norah learned that she can open whatever
cupboard she wants this month and has enjoyed emptying the contents onto the
floor. She also recently learned to climb up and down the stairs. She was
scared to before, and would only climb one step and then back down, but one day
she just did the whole thing! Norah still prefers crawling, but is getting a
little better at walking. She loves to stand up by herself, and just yesterday
(11/22) took five steps! Also, Norah did great one Sunday in the nursery this
month- progress!
Teeth: Her gums felt hard for a few weeks this
month, and felt her bottom right front molar coming in on 11/10. She has been a
little grumpy and sucking on her fingers, but not too bad.
Words: Norah started saying more words this
month, and it’s so fun to hear them and to hear her try to copy us. She can say
dada, hi, wow, bath, Daisy (grandpa and grandma’s dog), Ainsley (a friend we
babysit), baby, and hot. Norah learned hot through her trying to touch the
fireplace and her space heater, and it’s funny because now she has said that
the Christmas tree and snow were both hot too!
Favorites: It’s fun to see Norah’s favorites
develop. She really liked her Bitty Baby that she got for her birthday. She
also has particular favorites, like with her shape sorting cube she always
grabs the blue oval, with her foam letters she always grabs the green 0, and
with her farm bath toys she always grabs the pig. Funny girl! Norah loves
emptying things and putting the objects back in, looking out the window,
opening cupboards and seeing what’s inside, playing the piano, playing with the
dirty laundry, and being with mom and dad/family. Norah is such a happy girl
and we are so grateful to be her parents!
Despite my silliest voices, Norah decided this photo shoot was entitled "somber."
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