Last night, my great grandma passed away. She was 106. (Can you believe it? 106!) She was a wonderful woman, and it's amazing to think of all that she lived through in her life time. She got to see quite a bit! I am very blessed to have known her and to be her great-granddaughter.
I remember visiting her at her house when she still lived in Edgerton, MN, and then again in Rapid City, SD, when they moved there (where my grandparents and aunt/uncle/cousins live). I remember always thinking that her bowling ball in the basement was so cool, for whatever reason- I guess I didn't know people could own their own bowling balls when I was younger. I remember visiting her once and eating lunch in the dining room; whatever we had was so gross (or so we thought at the time), and I remember my dad silently begging us not to complain. Thankfully we didn't, and spent the lunch quietly laughing amongst ourselves and seeing who could push the food around on their plate to make it seem like they ate the most. I remember just walking around her house and looking at everything she had on her shelves that she had collected over her life. I always remember playing double solitaire with her at holiday events.
Unfortunately, I didn't get to know her as well as I would have liked, because we didn't see her very often. I wish I would have taken the time to talk with her more during the holiday get togethers and hear more about her life. I'm sure we annoyed her so much with all the cousins running around crazily screaming, but she didn't complain and just sat there and watched us with a smile on her face.
Most importantly, she was a woman of God. While I am sad that she is gone, I am so happy for her that she got to meet Jesus last night. I can't even imagine what joy she is experiencing right now up in Heaven.
This is a picture of us at my wedding. I am so glad she was able to make it!
4 generations picture- Great Grandma Vanderbush, Grandma Van Etten, my mom, and me.
Our sweet baby is due on SUNDAY, and I so was wishing to get a 5 generations picture with our new little one, but unfortunately that won't happen. I am also very sad that we will have to miss the funeral. I really wish we could have gone to honor her and see my family, but with the baby so close, we didn't think it would be safe to be 10+ hours away.
Great Grandma, we love you very much and we miss you already. I can't wait to see you again someday, and we rest in the hope of eternity with Him!
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