Sunday, October 12, 2014

Last pregnancy update!

 I'm excited to report that this will be my last pregnancy update! We are really hoping that Baby De Jong will make his/her arrival very soon (like even today...). I am done with work, so now I am blessed to have time to wait/relax until whenever the arrival happens! Patience is not one of my strengths, but I keep reminding myself to not be impatient because it truly is a blessing to have a healthy baby and to have the gift of waiting.

Today I am 39 weeks. I have been definitely feeling more ready! As of my appointment last Tuesday, there still isn't any progress. So hopefully some has started behind the scenes in the last few days. I have noticed baby lowering, and been experiencing more back pain again, along with a couple minor contractions. Overall, I am still feeling pretty good thankfully. There have been a few hour time spans here are there where I feel really uncomfortable, but mostly I feel pretty good. 

Week 38

Week 39 (No, I did not get a spray tan, although my belly looks way more yellow/orange in this picture- I was just standing right in front of the light.)

We are so excited to meet Baby De Jong! I can't wait!


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