Sunday, June 16, 2024

Kicking off summer with a weekend in Des Moines.

School's out for the summer and we kicked it off with a fun weekend in Des Moines! My parents were gone, which was weird to stay at their house without them, but we packed some fun things in! Thankful for cousin time and lots of playing together!

My youngest sister, Kayla, just bought this cute house!

I was so glad that we could catch Jorie and Murphy's last soccer games! We also got to celebrate Jorie's 6th birthday a tad early!

I don't have pictures of this, but we had a reunion with our old life group from when we lived in Des Moines (about 9.5 years ago now, wow!). It was super fun to see everyone again and catch up! And Lucy pulled one of her teeth out in the middle of the party- she's fearless about pulling teeth and loves to yank them out! We also got to have supper with one of my closest friends, Lauren, growing up. They just had their 3rd sweet baby Jesse. Their older two, Reese and Ray, were doing some cheer stunts in the basement and wanted the adults to join in for these amazing photos. It was a fun weekend and glad we could go!


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