Monday, April 10, 2023

Easter 2023- bunnies, baskets, and eggs!

We did our family Easter celebration on Palm Sunday because we were in Des Moines visiting my family over Easter. I always love seeing the kids wave the palm branches during church! Easter baskets and egg hunts are fun, but always great to celebrate the most important- His death and resurrection! We do resurrection eggs each year and the girls enjoy opening it each day. It's also neat to see their understanding and questions deepen each year as they get older. So thankful for the greatest gift and our ultimate hope in Him!

The three cutest bunnies ever! 

Opening Easter baskets. We gave them some smaller items- new water bottle, pool toys for the summer, perler beads, chalk, and a few candy items. I love picking out things I think they will enjoy, but also practical things that we will really use!

Egg hunt! It is definitely warming up here thankfully, but is still wet/muddy in the yard, so we did our hunt inside. It went great!

Happy Easter, He is risen indeed!

We also got to celebrate Easter with the De Jongs early too- love cousin time!


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