and Ellory are 17 months! Many people are commenting on how big they
are getting, and we've gotten numerous comments this month that Norah
and Lucy look so much alike (though when I look back a pictures, I
personally think Ellory and Norah look more alike). Kley and I said
one day as we were watching them play that they are sugar and spice
in the best ways- Ellory is sugar and Lucy is spice. Ellory is more
calm and Lucy is more active. Ellory is more verbal and Lucy is more
physical. Ellory is more even-keeled (though when she's mad she gets
really mad), and Lucy is more mischievous. They are both the sweetest
and bring so much love!
Stats/Doctor visits: Lucy
and Ellory were both sick twice this month, but thankfully it wasn't
too bad and didn't inhibit us too much. When we were in Okoboji on
family vacation, Ellory had a fever for a couple days, and then Lucy
had a fever for about 24 hours. Ellory had a fever again for about
two days the following week, but neither had any other symptoms.
Later, Lucy went to the doctor on 7/19, after waking up screaming
multiple times for two nights but no other symptoms, and had a double
ear infection. Ellory currently weighs 23 pounds and Lucy is 21 lbs
10 oz.
Teeth: No
new teeth. Lucy is done except for two year molars, and Ellory is
still waiting for all four canines.
Feeding: Maybe
they were going through a growth spurt for awhile, because they
slowed down a bit this month, like they didn't eat as much as usual.
Except for the Pizza Ranch buffet- we don't go their often, but they
sure love that place. Ellory doesn't like fruit as much as she used
to, but she really picked up her meat eating. They both are still
pretty good eaters thankfully. They sit in their high chairs really
nicely, and thankfully rarely purposely throw food on the floor. We
have been working on using silverware more this month, and Lucy
especially has taken a liking to it. Cheese is probably both of their
favorite food, and crackers and oreos are a favorite treat- exactly
like Norah! Lucy really loves blueberries. They have three meals a
day and that's usually it. Occasionally they will have a couple
crackers or goldfish in the late afternoon if they are hungry for
supper early, and sometimes a bedtime snack later if we have an
earlier supper, but on most days it's just three meals. They still
have a bedtime bottle, which is so cute and holding on to their baby
days, but know we need to wean off soon. Ellory drinks more than
Lucy, and Lucy usually eats a bit more, even though she's smaller
weight wise.
Diapers/Clothes: Wearing
18 month and 18-24 month clothes and size 3 diapers during the day/4
at night.
Sleeping: They
have both been in a great sleeping pattern, and we are so grateful!
They both go down easily, sometimes they will cry for a minute, but
it's not long. When we travel they usually cry awhile the first night
and then less and less as they adjust, but once they fall asleep they
are usually good. Ellory usually takes longer to fall asleep and
wakes up first. They sleep from 9 until about 8:45-9, and nap from
1-3:30ish (sometimes up at 3 and sometimes sleep until 4). Having a
consistent sleep schedule and routine is a beautiful thing for all of
Words: Words
are really taking off! Ellory says so many things; she will copy
almost everything you say. She's using two word sentences now. The
list of words is too long to keep track of anymore. I've realized how
much I say okay or all right as transitional words because Ellory
always copies me and says them too. Lucy is getting a lot better too!
She still does a lot of babbling and you can tell she's trying to say
something, but not as much is intelligible. She says dada, cracker,
and thank you consistently, and has said a few other things too like
baby, papa, mama, bottle, bye bye, and puppy. They are more clear
with what they want now, even if they can't say it, with pointing or
showing us what they want. Most of the time we can figure it out, but
sometimes Ellory gets really upset if we can't.
Developments: Ellory
can count to 5! She just whipped it out one day and surprised us all.
We have been practicing things like counting, animals and sounds,
colors, etc. but they are mostly repeating now and not identifying
themselves yet. Lucy is still our monkey and loves to climb. Ellory
has somewhat regularly been pooping on the potty- yay! She doesn't
tell me when she needs to go, but I can tell when she's starting to
push and if I ask her if she wants to sit on the potty, she will and
has gone about 10 times now. They are understanding so much, it's so
fun to watch that develop. They follow simple directions and know
cause and effect things, such as going outside means putting shoes
on, etc. I'm noticing that they both can be pretty particular about
things too. Ellory wants something just so as she is playing, and
Lucy always notices if a toy is in the wrong place and puts it back
where it should be. Both girls still suck their right thumb. Ellory
learned how to blow kisses. Lucy is such a daddy's girl. She loves to
be moving, yet also loves to cuddle too. They have switched in their
separation anxiety- it used to be Ellory that struggled more, but now
Ellory is fine and Lucy cries/clings when we leave and she wants me
to hold her almost the entire Kindermusik class.
Favorites: Both
girls love to be outside and play- favorite outdoor activities are
swinging, climbing at the park, stroller walks, sand box, chalk,
small rider bikes, toy lawn mower, water table, and any puddle they
can find (they don't really like the pool, but any small area of
water they love). Lucy loves slides and finding sticks, and Ellory
loves the riding horse at the park and finding rocks. Lucy loves to
try on Norah's shoes. Ellory loves to carry things around almost all
the time, like a doll or stuffed animal, and she loves to dance
whenever music comes on. Ellory especially likes to find belly
buttons and play peekaboo. They both love to be chased and play in
Norah's room. Ellory really loves dogs and isn't scared to go up to
them and pet them. They both love to take a bath and coloring is a
new favorite activity. Lucy loves to help empty the dishwasher and
hands me one thing at a time. Lucy and Ellory, it makes me sad that
you aren't babies anymore, but watching you grow and learn brings so
much joy!
What a fun update!!! I'm so glad you are past the harder days of newborns, but I'm sure toddlers bring challenges too! They are such sweet girls!