Monday, March 28, 2016

Interesting links.

7 Netflix documentaries worth watching- I have not watched any of these, but looks interesting!

Simplifying Childhood- I had seen several people post about this article, so I finally read it and I'm glad I did. It said that affluent children show some of the same coping mechanisms to feel safe as children in war zones, because they are exposed to too much (of everything- information, activities, etc.) and they don't know how to process. The article talked about protecting/simplifying childhood and fighting for down time/free play.

Sea World Announcement- Have you seen this? Wow. We weren't really in the know about orca breeding until we watched the documentary Blackfish about a year ago, but Sea World just announced that this is the last generation of orcas they will have because they will no longer breed them. I saw a FB video about this announcement that ended with, "We heard you." Interesting!

2 kids share Easter story- You need to watch these two kids share the Easter story. It's amazing and beautiful.

Crazy things kids have done- I pray my children don't do these things. Though, the first one (carving "I love my dad" into the car with a screwdriver) is my favorite and hilarious, yet bad.

Top 10 funny baby videos- This is not my top 10 list, just one I found, but who doesn't love laughing babies?


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