Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Life is fleeting.

Today one of my favorite teachers passed away, suddenly and unexpectedly. Lori Steinbach was one of the best. She was my high school English teacher. She made literature come alive in a way no one else did/could. She was invested in our lives and available. She came to every sporting event and directed all the school plays. She made me want to be a teacher, so I could touch others like she touched me. I could write about her for a long time, but she deeply impacted me and she will be greatly missed by many. I am sad to lose her, but so happy that she is with Jesus right now. Heaven gained a great addition today.

This was the devotion sent out by our church tonight, which I thought was very applicable. The troubles along the journey are so worth it, when we know our end prize is Heaven. Life is fleeting. Live it up. Lori Steinbach did, and I would like to be like her.

2 Cor. 4:16-18
16Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 17For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 18So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal
Every Day

It's the end of the journey, the destination itself, that makes the wearying travel worth it all.  I recall a long, steep climb up a mountain trail in North Carolina.  My wife and I were heading toward a scenic overlook.  Several times I thought, "It's not worth it.  Let's just turn around and forget it." But I kept going, especially since my wife kept encouraging me to keep climbing!

Finally we arrived at the overlook.  What a spectacular sight!  What an incredible experience.  It was worth it all!  Would I do it again?  Yes.  The end of the journey was worth the trouble of the journey.

God's Word encourages us in the same way.  There's an incredible glory to experience at the end of the journey.  And our "light and momentary troubles" can't even begin to compare with the glory that will be ours!

Yes, even though our bodies are slowly wearing out, God is renewing us inwardly every single day.  Today, focus your eyes not on the troubles you can see.  Those are temporary.  Focus your eyes on the glorious destination you're headed toward.  That's what will last forever.

It will be worth it.


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