Friday/Saturday we made an extremely quick trip to Minneapolis to see my brother, Keaton, graduate from Bethel! It was a fun time and I am so glad we were able to go. My parents, sister Kayla, Kley and I, and my grandparents (dad's side) were all there. My sister, Karlie, is on a nursing trip in Tanzania currently, so she was not able to come.
Here he is walking in!
The keynote speaker.
Almost his turn!
Announcing his name.
Walking the stage.
Getting his diploma. (I was actually pretty impressed with how these turned out- my camera doesn't have the longest zoom and doesn't do the best with moving shots.)
Keaton and his girlfriend, Rose.
Kley, Kayla, me, Keaton, and Rose.
Grandparents and Keaton.
Parents and Keaton.
Kley and I (and our little baby bump!)
Congratulations Keaton! You did it! Enjoy this time!
Monday is also Memorial Day, so yay for the long weekend!
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