Sunday, August 25, 2013


This week was pretty busy. I believe I said once, "I feel like all I've done at home the past few days is sleep." I'm glad I don't feel like that all the time.

-This week was more calm at work. The week before was crazy with so many kids in the room (older ones preparing to move up along with getting new ones). This week they all moved up, along with getting a few more. Now I have more new kids in my class than old, which is a little strange. It's a huge blessing that it's going well and most of their adjustments have been smooth. I'm excited to get to know them better. It's harder to make connections at first simply because you don't know them yet.

-We also started implementing Creative Curriculum this week, which means doing small groups everyday and taking tons of notes. For all you out there who've used it, you know exactly what I mean. :) I think we've got a pretty good system going already, so we can stay on top of it and do a good job. I think it's a great assessment tool- very well done- I'm just a little nervous on how to implement it.

-Wednesday we had a friend over for dinner. Thursday I went out for dinner with my good friend Lauren, my mom, and her mom. Lauren was visiting from Denver for the week, so it was great to see her! Friday I hosted a work party at my place and we played games. Saturday we drove to Clear Lake, IA to visit my friend Jackie. She was visiting Minneapolis (she's living in Virginia), for her brother's wedding, and we met up half way for lunch. It was great to see her too! So, it was all great things, but we've been super busy the last few days. I'm hoping this week won't be as packed.

-I was thinking this morning how much I love our church. I really love our worship. I will definitely miss it when we move.

-Next weekend we are going to Orange City to visit Kley's family. I'm excited! We're meeting them up in Omaha on Sunday, so we can do a little shopping. We will also see all of our grandparents, visit my sister and Kley's sister's dorm rooms, Kley's interviewing at his dad's firm to meet the other partners, and we're looking at a house! I will write more about that later if something comes from it.

I'm ready for fall to come! We have lots of good stuff coming up! :)

Also, Kley's last first day of school is tomorrow!


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