Sunday, June 23, 2013

The simple joy of a popsicle.

Wednesday was a rough day at school last week. We really struggled as a class (thankfully that doesn't happen often!). We had to have many talks about good behavior. BUT, the silver lining (more like a gigantic rainbow), was a great discussion about it. During our Bible time we sang a song about being the "light of the world." We talked about what that meant, the difference between darkness and light, how our actions reflect darkness or light, etc. We had such a deep conversation (incredibly deep for three-year-olds) about forgiveness and what repent means.

Then several children, WITHOUT ANY PROMPTING, began praying out loud for Jesus to forgive their sins from the morning. It was absolutely incredible. I had goosebumps and I truly felt the Holy Spirit in the classroom.

One of the top moments of teaching ever.

Thursday and Friday were thankfully much better. Thursday we made popsicles, and it was so fun to watch their faces. It was like Christmas- they were beyond pumped. In the morning, we decorated our cups with stickers, mixed pink lemonade in a big pitcher, poured it in the cups, covered it with aluminum foil, and stuck a plastic spoon in for the stick. It was simple, but they had so much fun. (One of my quieter girls even came up to me after and nicely asked me for an extra piece of foil, and went over to the kitchen and started making pretend popsicles on the play dishes. So cute!)

Another teacher favorite about having special treats is that you have the best motivation ever if kids are misbehaving. I made a threat during snack that if they didn't show good manners, then we couldn't get the popsicles out until they fixed it. You've never seen kids sit up straight and be quiet so fast. :)

We went outside and ate the popsicles (it was super hot), and it was so great. They loved it- everyone was so good, eating their popsicles, laughing at how it was melting, and having the biggest grins.

I had a lot of moments this week that made me appreciate my job.

I stood back, watching them eat their popsicles, and thought, "This is why I do what I do." Who knew popsicles brought such joy? :)


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