Sunday, January 26, 2025

Winter happenings.

My grandpa was in the hospital again and we got to visit him! Living close to my grandparents is a huge blessing!

Lucy got her sling off! (She fell over Thanksgiving break and broke her right collar bone.) We had told her that she could pick any activity she wanted to do when she got it off because she was such a trooper wearing it- she wore it so well and never complained! She chose bowling and we all had a great time! (She is still on modified activity for six weeks, so isn't supposed to tackle/bump into anyone and avoid falling, but she's doing great and enjoying not wearing the sling.)

All the girls went to the eye doctor over Christmas break and we discovered Lucy needed glasses! Ellory and I went for our annual checkups, and we brought Norah and Lucy too just because it had been awhile since they had been checked, and I'm glad we checked since Lucy needed glasses!

Ellory participated in the school cheer camp and got to perform during half time of the game- go Ellory!


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