Sunday, January 19, 2025

Norah recently.

Norah is in 4th grade and is doing great! She has adjusted very well and this has been the best she has ever done with going to school/anxiety. She has a few great friends in her class this year. So proud of her and so happy she is growing and doing well!

She turned ten in October! We celebrated with family on both sides. For our family celebration, she chose to go ice skating and have Subway at the park. She had some friends over for a teal birthday party and they did paint by number canvases and made bracelets. We also had a special mom/daughter trip to Minneapolis for the Anne Wilson concert for her birthday- what a fun time! We met Heidi, Josie, and Savannah there too for the show and they had such fun together! At her 10 year wellness check, she was 4' 8.5” (79%). Very grateful for a healthy daughter! On November 7 she lost her first molar- her bottom right first bicuspid. Norah was Wonder Woman for Halloween. We said a sad earthly goodbye to Papa Van Etten on September 23, 2024, but look forward to seeing him again in Heaven someday! Norah had a 24 hour flu bug before Christmas- it was terrible but quick thankfully. So thankful that we got to celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas with both sides of the family. We got together with De Jongs in Orange City for Thanksgiving and Christmas and also were able to go to Des Moines with Schuts for both holidays too- so special!

This fall Norah did volleyball and enjoyed it! It was fun to watch her experience this for the first time. Lots of friends her age participated too, so it was nice they could do it together. She is doing piano this year too and getting better and better! She played “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen” and “What Child Is This?” at the Christmas piano recital. She sang in the Christmas program at church too and did great! She volunteered for a speaking part and read a verse about light too. She's in 4th grade Sunday School and loving her teacher and learning. She is taking some really sweet and meaningful notes about Jesus at church! She is doing a jazz/lyrical dance class too and is liking it. We had fall conferences and Norah got excellent grades and her teacher had positive things to say about her- way to go Norah!

Norah is becoming more responsible and growing into a very lovely young woman! So proud of who she is and to be her mom! She is smart, creative, caring, and beautiful inside and out! She loves little kids and is so good with her young cousins. She loves to listen to music and write stories. She enjoys coloring, playing outside, playmobil sets, making jewelry, and making scenes or cities with dolls and legos. Norah, you are a true gift to us and we are so thankful for a decade of loving you! We pray His love for you would continue to grow in your heart!


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