Lucy and Ellory are in 2nd grade and are both doing great! They have adjusted well and both do great going to school each day. Both of their teachers are great and they each have some nice friends in their classes. So proud of both of them!
We celebrated Norah turning 10 in October and had fun during Halloween. Lucy was soccer player Lionel Messi and Ellory was gymnast Simone Biles. Lucy and Ellory both had a quick but terrible stomach bug in October too. So thankful that we got to celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas with both sides of the family. We got together with De Jongs in Orange City for Thanksgiving and Christmas and also were able to go to Des Moines with Schuts for both holidays too- so special! Over Thanksgiving break on November 29, Lucy took an unfortunate tumble during a cousin keep away game and broke her right collar bone. She will be in a sling for six weeks and is being a total trooper! She has handled it very well and hasn't complained. So glad it didn't hurt her for too long and that the pain wasn't too intense. Poor Lucy also had a big bout of sickness right before Christmas and had pneumonia for a full week. So glad everyone was healthy for Christmas! We have been losing some teeth too! Lucy lost her top left central incisor on August 18, her top right central incisor on September 19, and her top right lateral incisor on November 1. Ellory lost her top right lateral incisor on August 26. We said a sad earthly goodbye to Papa Van Etten on September 23, 2024, but look forward to seeing him again in Heaven someday!
Lucy brought up several times that she would really like to try flag football this fall, so we let her try it and she absolutely loved it. She was the only girl, but it didn't phase her and she went out there with such bravery and determination! She was pretty good and has been enjoying watching football with Kley too and learning about the game. Ellory is doing a tap and jazz dance class this year and has been enjoying it and doing a great job! They are both taking piano lessons this year and it's fun to see how much they have learned after only a year and a half of lessons. Mrs. Heidi is their teacher this year, which is who Norah has had and who taught their Kindermusik lessons when they were younger, so it's special to have a teacher they already knew and for all three to go to the same place. They were both in the Christmas piano recital and did a very nice job! Ellory played “O Come All Ye Faithful” and “Have A Holly Jolly Christmas,” and Lucy played “Silent Night” and “Angels We Have Heard On High.” I got to join Lucy as a duet for her right hand since her collar bone was broken. Lucy and Ellory are in 2nd grade Sunday School this year and are enjoying that too. They were both in the Christmas program and sang about how Jesus is our light. They had a school music program around Veteran's Day that was “Celebrate America” themed with some fun patriotic songs and dances. They did great at both programs! We had fall conferences and are so glad to report that Lucy and Ellory are doing great- very smart and kind!
Both Lucy and Ellory are very sweet with younger kids and they get to be around many with cousins and kids in life group. Lucy is into all sports, loves anything athletic, and loves building things like magna tiles or car tracks or towers. Ellory loves coloring, crafting, music/dancing, and stuffed animals. Both enjoy playing outside and creating scenes or cities with legos or dolls. Playmobil and Lil Woodzeez sets are favorite toys too. It's fun to hear their growth in reading this year and reading some chapter books! We are so thankful for such loving, kind, smart, and beautiful inside and out girls! Lucy and Ellory, we are so proud to be your parents and we love you so very much! We pray His love for you would continue to grow in your hearts!
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