So thankful for a fun week in Florida with the De Jongs! We were initially supposed to make a Disney trip in May of 2020, shortly after everything shut down for Covid. Obviously that didn't happen, but here we are now! In the end, I think it worked out great because the girls were at better/older ages to go, though anytime is sure great.
When we weren't at the parks, we were often at the pool! The girls love swimming!
There were two ducks that were often seen at the pool named Donald and Daisy. Lucy and Ellory got a kick out of it, Norah didn't like them too much when they got close. Our nephew/cousin, Will, liked them too!
Eating supper by the pool was so fun! Not to often we get to swim before eating and jump right back in after!
Our hotel also had bag toss, ping pong, and mini golf.
Lucy and Ellory loved following the ducks around.
The hot tub was a big hit, especially when it got a bit chillier at night.
Lucy thought this fruit platter was truly amazing.
Love these three beauties so much!
Our sweet nephew/cousin, Gerrit, is five months and did so great on the trip. What a trooper!
We had someone (a random man we asked) take a few family shots one night. Love whole group pictures, one of my favorite things! I'm very thankful to have married into the De Jong family!
Brett, Elizabeth, Will, and Gerrit (Elizabeth is Kley's only sibling).
The best I got of the girls at Disney Springs. They had fun picking something out at the Disney store!
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