We had fun at the lakes a couple weekends ago with our friends! The Hofmeyer's renovated a cute little house on the lake and they were so kind to invite us for a night. We went for a hike (more like a nature walk with little kids :), had a nutty bar and a Spudnutz donut, played in the lake, and enjoyed time together. I'm so thankful for our community in our little town.
Kley went to high school with Joe and Madison and we all moved to our town (or back home, as they would say) almost at the same time. I actually babysat their oldest for about a year and a half before Lucy and Ellory were born a few days a week, so it's so special to see her friendship with Norah still going strong six years later! Their middle is very close in age to Lucy and Ellory also. And it's fun to add a boy to the mix with their youngest!
Another weekend recently, we got to visit some of my college friends in MN. Thankful we could catch up and that we can stay connected through the years! There were a couple more friends who live somewhat close that we were hoping to meet up with too, but unfortunately it didn't work out. Grateful for who we did get to see! We got to see Jackie and her family, who live there, and Brittany, who flew in from CO. We had a fun time together watching the kids play, hanging out, and visiting a park and beach.
Jackie and I were college freshman roommates and Brittany was our next room neighbor- so fun we are still friends 14 years later!
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