Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Recent reads.

The Woman in Cabin 10 by Ruth Ware- The main character, Lo, is a travel journalist who gets to embark on a small cruise ship's maiden voyage to write about it. While on board, she witnesses someone being thrown overboard, but no one believes her due to some personal issues she's going through that make her not seem credible. All evidence seems to have been wiped away. What follows is a suspenseful story of how she tries to prove that what she saw was true and how she keeps herself safe. I thought it was entertaining!

The Simplified Life: Tactical Tools for Intentional Living by Emily Ley- This was a fun read if you are into simplifying, planning, and organizing. She offers practical tips and tools for making space for what matters most. Each chapter is about a different topic, like meal planning or finances, and how to make that process easier. I don't feel like I personally learned a ton, because I am an organized and planned person by nature, but this would be a great read for someone looking for tips.

The Bookish Life of Nina Hill by Abbi Waxman- This story is about Nina, who loves books and prefers to be alone. She grew up with a single mom who was gone a lot, and learns as a young adult that her father that she never knew has passed away and finds out she has siblings and nieces/nephews. She starts to learn to let people in- both her family and a love interest. I didn't love this book, but it was good enough to finish.


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