Monday, September 23, 2019

Lucy and Ellory recently.

Lucy and Ellory are 2.5! They are seeming so grown up, especially now that the big girl bed and potty training transitions are over. Sleeping is so much better than it used to be, and we are so thankful! The first few months of big girl beds were tough. Most times are pretty good now, occasionally we still have to go in there sometimes, but it's not a daily battle like before. Ellory takes a bit to fall asleep, but thankfully is usually quiet and not disruptive. She usually still naps, but has a couple days here and there where she doesn't. Lucy falls asleep quickly, but occasionally wakes up in the night. Thankfully that is better than it used to be too and she goes back to sleep easily with a quick drink and hug. She occasionally wakes up earlier in the morning and sleeps for another 30 minutes to an hour in our bed. Potty training is going well! There is still an occasional accident, but they are rare and they are doing well. They still need help in the bathroom, but Lucy is getting pretty independent! They are going about every 1.5-2 hours. Sometimes they will tell us when they need to go, but it's still a lot of our guidance to go as well. They are fairly regularly dry after nap time, but still sleep in a pull-up and are wet in the mornings (though a couple mornings Lucy has been dry!). Ellory had a yeast infection back in July, which was very difficult for a few days because it hurt to go so she would try to hold it and scream and cry whenever she went, but thankfully the cream helped and cleared it up quickly. Ellory still struggles with constipation and takes her awhile to get it out. We tried a laxative (per doctors advice), and it didn't seem to help much so we are going to try a different one. If we gave it to her occasionally, it didn't do anything, and if we gave it to her everyday she swung opposite and went straight to diarrhea.

On June 4, Ellory got her top two two-year-old molars. On June 11, Lucy got her bottom left two-year-old molar. On June 15, Lucy got her top left two-year-old molar. On June 29, Lucy got her top right two-year-old molar. On July 9, Lucy got her bottom right two-year-old molar. Also, I realized that I put their two-year wellness check stats on their stats page in their books, but not on the actual update, so I'll put it here: Lucy was 24 lbs. (16%) and 35.5” (93%) and Ellory was 27 lbs. (55%) and 35” (87%).

Lucy is independent and loves to try to do everything herself. She is pretty good at getting herself dressed, likes to go to the bathroom by herself, and can put her own shoes on. She also loves to cuddle at other moments too. She loves to help and is pretty good at cleaning up (when she wants to be). She doesn't mind getting dirty. Her language has exploded and she is saying so many things and using longer sentences. It's so fun to hear! Lucy loves to ride her strider bike outside and is really fast! She also loves her new scooter and wearing her helmet. She is really sweet with babies (dolls and real), loves to cook in the kitchen, push around the stroller, and loves when Kley comes home. Some days she enjoys screen time during the allotted time, and other days she'll watch for a bit and then just play.

Ellory would rather have help with most things and we are practicing doing more independently. She loves to cuddle only occasionally and loves words of affirmation. She would rather stay clean and usually doesn't care to join in Norah and Lucy's chasing/wrestling. She loves praise when she listens well. She is very sweet with babies as well (dolls and real). She likes to build legos, read books, color, and her favorite outside activity is chalk. She loves when Kley comes home! Ellory's language is extensive and she says so much! Ellory recently thinks that freckles are nipples, which has been quite funny to explain. She also saw a picture of a man with a mustache and thought he had poop on his face, gross but funny! Ellory loves cheese pizza and macaroni and cheese. She loves her allotted screen time each day! Ellory likes to have short breaks throughout the day and either cuddle her favorite fuzzy blanket in her bed or to lay in Norah's bed (when she lets her), and often likes to sleep with a stuffed animal. Ellory loves to pray, which is basically like quiet mumbling, but it's the sweetest thing and she closes her eyes and yells, “Amen!” when she's done.

Both girls recently discovered that everyone has eyebrows and they think thats hilarious and love to point them out. Both girls love to “scare” Kley at the door by roaring at him when he comes home. They both love milk and are good eaters. Lucy eats the most of the three girls. They like taking their vitamins and usually like brushing their teeth. Recently they've started liking big ponies and pigtails more, which is adorable. They are wearing 3T clothes and size 7 shoe, almost ready for size 8. They are very excited to go to preschool next year, as now they watch Norah go- they love to talk about how they can go “next year when they are big and three.” We love you so much, Lucy and Ellory!


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