Growing Up: How to Be a Disciple Who Makes Disciples by Robby Gallaty- This is the book my women's Bible study just finished reading. It was pretty good- not fabulous, but not bad. The first couple chapters are really structured and filled with rules/guidelines for how your discipleship group should work. In case you aren't familiar with that term, a discipleship group is like a small group of believers who meet together for fellowship, encouragement, and accountability, for the purpose of spreading His name and making disciples who then go out and do the same, making more disciples. While people in the group didn't agree with everything he said specifically, he had good ideas and it sparked good conversations.
Into the Darkest Corner by Elizabeth Haynes- This book was out of my comfort zone, but I wanted to give a thriller a try since it was one of my vacation books. I follow a blog who reads a lot of them, and she said this one was one of her favorites, so I tried it. It was entertaining and I enjoyed it, but it was a bit dark at times. I don't think I'll be reading thrillers frequently, but it was fun to try. It's about a girl who was in an abusive relationship, and it goes back and forth in between time periods of current, where she is struggling with PTSD and OCD, and the past, when she was in the relationship. The ending wasn't my absolute favorite, but it was also good, if that makes any sense.
Truly Madly Guilty by Liana Moriarty- This was another vacation read, and it was very entertaining as well. Every chapter is told from a different character's point of view, and it's all about this very unfortunate event that happened at this barbecue. You don't actually find out what happened until pretty far in, so a lot of the beginning is learning about the characters and their relationships with each other. It was interesting and I enjoyed it, but was occasionally frustrating at times because everything turns into giant messes because people aren't open and honest with each other. If they would just have a straightforward conversation with each other, so much could be fixed so quickly. But then that wouldn't make for a very entertaining read, now would it? Ha.
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