Thursday, May 17, 2018

Mother's Day 2018.

Happy Mother's Day! This was a huge year for me as a mom- a full year learning how to be a mom of three and Lucy and Ellory grew so much! (Norah did too, but her growth isn't as obvious as when they are really little! Check out how little they were last year!) Being a mom is one of my favorite titles and I am so thankful He has blessed us with these three. The days are full and busy, but what a great season this is too. Even during the hard moments, I remind myself that I will miss this one day. 

Remember Ellory in our Easter pictures this year? Thanks to you, Ellory, for delivering more quality shots. ;)

Norah put her hand on her hip for these pictures and I love it!

Also, she is in love with her dolls. We already have four total as a family, but she said she wants more for her birthday (specifically a baby that makes noises/talks), and she frequently thanks God for her dolls in her prayers.

Love my girls!

The best family pictures we could get. Not too bad!

Lucy puts her hand over her face like this when she cries now and I think it's so cute.

Norah and Ellory are so cute together! Love it!

It was a great Mother's Day. I tried to focus on how thankful I am to be a mother and not on their behavior, which made it much more wonderful. Not that my kids were bad, but young kids just don't understand Mother's Day! I didn't have to make or clean up lunch AND supper, which was so amazing!

I am so grateful for my mom and mother-in-law and for their wonderful examples and help. Also, to everyone who had a difficult Mother's Day, I pray His peace washed over you and you felt His deep love for you, no matter your circumstances. 


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