Tuesday, August 18, 2015

An Ordinary Feast- A Simply Tuesday repost.

I read this post entitled An Ordinary Feast this morning from this blog that I follow, and I thought it was so good that I wanted to repost it.

She's talking about how it's simply Tuesday, because the book Simply Tuesday comes out today, and about how it's thunderstorming there and she's not getting anything done that she wanted, but she's trying to soak up the feast that is before her of watching her kids enjoy (or try to enjoy, in the midst of the we-are-sick-of-each-other-and-being-cramped-up-inside-from-the-rain fighting) their last few days of summer.

Sometimes I feel like that too, like I am not getting done what I wanted or accomplishing any tasks with tangible results, but I'm glad to know I'm not the only one that sometimes gets caught up.

I want to slow down and enjoy the moments. Norah won't be a baby forever, so it's completely okay if her toys are strewn all over and she just wants me to lay on the floor so she can climb all over me.

In fact, isn't that what my life's all about? That's pretty amazing, and I wouldn't trade being a human jungle gym for anything else.

(By the way, have you heard of Simply Tuesday? I have heard several different people mention it, along with blogs I follow, so I am excited to hopefully read it soon! It sounds really good- check it out!)


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