Friday, January 8, 2021

Christmas 2020- Schut side.

Merry Christmas! We were able to go to Des Moines, where my parents live, to celebrate with them and my siblings. We hunkered down at their house and didn't go anywhere, which was okay by me. I mean, a trip to Target would have been nice, but I'm grateful for all we can get! I'm thankful we were healthy and able to even see my family. 

Love our sweet family and glad we've gotten so much time together this year. 

My Christmas girls in red!

Entire family photos are my favorite.

Cute matching cousins in outfits from grandma!

One of my favorite things about Christmas this year was meeting my new niece Averie. What a sweetie!

Our beautiful Norah is growing up!

Matching Christmas pajamas!

Merriest Christmas to you all and blessings in 2021! Wonderful to celebrate Jesus coming- the best news!


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