one more month until TWO! Wow. What a wild and wonderful almost two
years it's been. It's hard to remember our life before Lucy and
Ellory. Sometimes it's funny to go out in public, because I'm so used
to having twins now, so I forget that it's a shock to some. Sometimes
strangers just seem floored that we have twins, and our frequently
heard comment is still, “Wow, you have your hands full!” I just
smile back and say, “Yes, we do, but it's great!” I remember
being so scared to have twins when I was pregnant, so it's really
neat to look back and see His hand over us in the last two years. He
certainly knows what He's doing! Twins are great- challenging and
stretching sometimes, yes, but their new thing is to give each other
hugs and kisses before bed, and moments like that outshine every hard
time and having three girls is the most beautiful blessing.
Stats/Doctor visits: We
have had an amazingly healthy winter so far and so thankful for that!
Teeth: Still
waiting for two year molars for both.
Nothing new. They do really well with three meals and a bedtime snack.
They eat their meals better without snacking. Occasionally if they
act like they're starving before dinner, I'll give them two animal
crackers (they think they need two since they have two hands), and
thankfully that seems to tide them over. Favorite foods include milk
(love that milk!), hummus, pizza, noodles, chicken, and almost all
Diapers/Clothes: Wearing
24 month/2T clothes and 4 diapers during the day/5 at night. We had
our first twin difference this month, as Ellory switched to a size 6
shoe, and Lucy is still in a 5.
Sleeping: Big
girl beds happened! They had to switch bedrooms around, as two full
beds (what their cribs convert into), didn't fit in their old room
because of the door placement. Overall it's gone very well. There was
crying, especially from Ellory, for a few days and we had to lay with
them longer, but now they love them. Occasionally they talk to/goof
off with each other more before falling asleep during nap, but the
transition was pretty smooth overall. A few times Lucy has gotten out
of bed (what a monkey!), and she's also fallen out of bed a couple
times (even with a rail), but thankfully she mostly stays in. They
sleep from about 8:30-8:30, and nap from about 1-3:30 (though they
don't always fall asleep right away, for nap or bed).
Words: Ellory
is trying so hard to say full sentences, but you still can't really
make them out. She says many two word sentences. (She gets a little
jumbled when she talks fast or tries to say something longer.) Lucy
has started saying a few two word sentences also. Sometimes she says
the initial sound for a word, like “huh” for hummus or “la”
for light. We can usually always figure out what both are saying.
It's so fun to hear them throw out words suddenly that they've never
said before.
Developments: Lucy
and Ellory are better at independent play than Norah ever was, but it
also helps to have two built in playmates always around to play with.
They are both doing more pretend play, especially in the kitchen and
with babies. We are practicing color names, but they don't get any
correctly yet. They love to say people's names and point to them in
pictures. Both are really good at knowing where things are/go and the
routine of the day. Both love to jump. Ellory likes to sing and it's
so sweet. Her favorites are Jesus Loves Me, ABCs, You are my
Sunshine, and some songs from Babygarten at the library. They are
learning basic puzzles and love to stack/put things together. Lucy is
more physically active and Ellory is more emotionally active, if that
makes sense. Both are still thumb suckers, but Lucy likes to stroke
her right eyebrow with her third finger and Ellory likes to put her
pointer finger in the corner of her eye while they suck them. They
all three suck their right thumbs, but each have a different quirk to
it! We regressed a bit in the potty training department, but they
still sometimes go, more pooping than peeing. They eat the same
things, but Lucy struggles with diarrhea and Ellory with
constipation, which has made going on the toilet harder. The doctor
suggested giving Ellory milk of magnesia, which has helped a little.
Favorites: Everyone's
favorite is when daddy comes home from work! Both have really enjoyed
magna-tiles this month. They both have given tons of hugs and kisses
recently and it's adorable. Ellory loves Frozen, Minnie Mouse, Bob
and Larry (Veggie Tales), wearing play jewelry, and reading books.
Lucy is so caring and loves to pat people's backs, play with hair,
point out when people are crying, say hi to people, etc. (On the flip
side, she also instigates a bit more and makes Ellory upset more than
Ellory makes her upset!) Lucy and Ellory, we love you both so much!
Norah took these two pictures! (Amongst the 30+ that I deleted that were very off center :)
Getting smiling pictures is a challenge these days, but they sure are cute no matter what!
Norah requested these two. :)
Love seeing their personalities shine through as you describe! You are so detailed in knowing their quirks. You are such a great mama! ❤️
ReplyDeleteThanks! Same to you!